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koad:io entities


A koad-io entity is a set of environment variables and directories that are used to organize and automate much of the recurring tasks in my life.

These directories make it easy to remember where I left off even on projects I only have to deal with every few years.

Entities also have keybase accounts of their own. I interact with them just as if they were any other person in my life. Team/family file shares, git repos as well as chat to interact the same as I would in my bash terminal.


Since I can operate within separate environments I can easily keep all the parts and pieces of any project/context together in an enviroment, i can also keep it organized in my mind.

An entity is a dotfile directory located in your home directory under the same name ie: ~/+dot+alice


It is best to encrypt this folder using a PGP key; do you have one?

I can interact with an entity simply by issuing commands.

for example, I have many entities that I call upon

  • Marsha, she is responsible for all my volunteer work.
  • Astro is responsible for my web services and the administration work behind keeping it all working.
  • Alice is my play-thing I use to explore different rabbit-holes and use to help explain things as you'll notice throughout.

Be wise when picking names.
- you may want to search google to see if the thing already exists

here are a few commands I use all the time. The results (if any) are all stored within the entity's data directory.

Marsha checks certs then builds her website in ~/.marsha/sites/ then uploads the build-package to the production server.

marsha probe domain
marsha build site
marsha upload site

Alice archives the videos in ~/.alice/archive/inbound/

alice archive video
alice archive video dQw4w9WgXcQ

Marsha starts her user interface in ~/.marsha/interface/

marsha start interface

Astro opens an SSH connection to device://jersey and logs in (passwordless) as the user astro

astro ssh jersey

in all cases, the command is a wrapper command, setting a single enviroment variable KOAD_IO_ENTITY and then passing all arguments to the koad-io command.

The command alice looks like this:

cat ./.bin/alice


export KOAD_IO_ENTITY='alice';
koad-io "$@";

from here, koad-io uses it's standardize approach to loading the appropriate enviroment variables from the .alice folder. The system itself can be of any design, in my case it's based on where I think I would put something, rather than where some linux geek thinks I should.


the entity's folder can be moved anywhere, edit the wrapper command and specify... KOAD_IO_ENV_LOCATION


export KOAD_IO_ENTITY='alice';
export KOAD_IO_ENV_LOCATION='/home/koad/.wonderland/entities/alice';
koad-io "$@";


KOAD_IO_ENABLE_PORTABLITY if you want to contain on an external drive and use it on multiple devices. read before flight

  • must also specify KOAD_IO_ENV_LOCATION

export KOAD_IO_ENTITY='alice';
export KOAD_IO_ENV_LOCATION='/media/koad/ROG1T/koad-io-entities/alice';
koad-io "$@";


koad:io installation

This folder doesnt keep any personal data, its a clone of

ALL of your data is stored within your entities datadir (ie: ~/.alice).

 cd ~/.koad-io
 ls -la

warning: making changes in this directory may make your shit not work. You want use an entity's directory to override the parts of environment you wish to customize.

get koad-io

 git clone ~/.koad-io
update koad-io
 cd ~/.koad-io && git pull

Your entity's folder

 ls -la
example ~/.alice/


.env file located at ~/.$KOAD_IO_ENTITY/.env

edit using text editor

nano ~/.$KOAD_IO_ENTITY/.env
or using default entity's environment
export KOAD_IO_ENTITY=alice
$KOAD_IO_ENTITY edit env ~/.$KOAD_IO_ENTITY/.env
or using specific entity's environment
alice edit env ~/.$KOAD_IO_ENTITY/.env


Many environment variables are loaded depending on how you are using this stuff.

The same variable might exist in all of your .env files, overwriting itself as each one gets loaded.

Here is the order things get loaded in.

  1. ~/.koad-io/.env: this is where koad-io gets installed
  2. ~/.$KOAD_IO_ENTITY/.env: this is your entity
  3. $CURRENT_WORKING_DIRECTORY/.env: when calling within a folder somewhere
  4. ~/.koad-io/commands/$KOAD_IO_COMMAND/.env: when calling a koad:io command


check the environment vars that are loaded


Well known env vars

these files are normally the start of everything. fill these out before running koad:io for the first time and everything will start flowing, like a waterfall.

there is an installation interface available as well, but it's important to realize how this folder/files setup works; it is meant for you as a human user to work with directly, sometimes the interfaces just keep you from knowing.

start with editing these files manually, then if you become an expert and want to deploy things automagically you can utililize the installer interface.


what where why default
ENTITY global use this in your own creations alice
CATCHALL_DOMAIN_NAME wildcard-cert inbound email address generation
WILDCARD_DOMAIN_NAME wildcard-cert private inbound subdomain generation
KOAD_IO_INSTANCE all koad:io the entity containment $ENTITY
KOAD_IO_HOST all koad:io the host to runs the production env $HOSTNAME
KOAD_IO_USER all koad:io the user who runs in production $USER
KOAD_IO_LIGHTHOUSE all koad:io submit work, check for updates $WILDCARD_DOMAIN_NAME
KOAD_IO_INTERFACE all koad:io the network interface serving the backend $KOAD_IO_HOST.local:443
KOAD_IO_BIND_IP all koad:io the network interface to bind to



what it is
MATRIX_USER matrix username
MATRIX_HOME_SERVER matrix user's home server
MATRIX_SESSION_KEY matrix session key
KEYBASE_USER keybase username
KEYBASE_SESSION_KEY keybase paper key
DARK_SKY_API_KEY weather api access key
KEYBASE_SESSION_KEY="put your key in here, with quotes"